Yoga with Nosh

Types of Yoga Classes

woman doing yoga warrior pose

Yoga Poses

Breakdown and Benefits

Bridge Pose - It is a mild inversion pose that can be both energizing and restorative. When the sacrum is supported by a block it is more therapeutic and revitalizing.

Child's Pose - In child's pose, you can find tension release in the back, neck, and shoulders. On the mental and emotional level, it promotes a steady, even, and elongated breath, which creates a deep sense of calm and relaxation.

Downward Dog - Expand chest muscles and contract upper back muscles. Pull shoulder blades together. Counter stretch to sitting at a desk for extended periods of time and finding length in the spine.

Warrior - Root through the outer edge of your back foot and lunge with your front leg parallel to the mat. Squeeze glutes to contract these muscles and extend or stretch the hip flexor muscles. The Warrior Pose is symbolic for finding your determination, mission, purpose, & duty. Exalted warrior represents setting up healthy boundaries for yourself with the external.

woman doing yoga bridge in nature

Individual Goals

I can help you achieve your personal goals in any of: